มาลองใช้เทคนิคการเทรดนี้จัดว่าครบๆ เพราะใช้ทั้ง MFI/RSI/Stochastics/Z-Score/Pivot Points/EMA 50/EMA 200 เพื่อใช้หา Death CrossกับGolden Cross แน่นๆจบๆในตัวเดียว

  1. เทคนิคของ Indicator:
    • ใช้ MFI, RSI, Stochastics, Z-Score, Pivot Points และ EMA 50 และ EMA 200 ในการตรวจจับสัญญาณ.
    • สร้างการเตือนเมื่อเทียนใกล้เข้าสู่โซนสูงสุดก่อนหน้า, จุด Pivot, หรือเมื่อเกิด Death Cross หรือ Golden Cross.
  2. บอกสัญญาณซื้อและขาย:
    • ซื้อ: เมื่อเกิด Golden Cross หรือเมื่อเทียนใกล้จุด Pivot หรือโซนสูงสุดก่อนหน้า.
    • ขาย: เมื่อเกิด Death Cross หรือเมื่อเทียนใกล้จุด Pivot หรือโซนสูงสุดก่อนหน้า.

ใช้งานในโปรแกรม TradingView https://www.tradingview.com/?aff_id=134641
เปิดบัญชีทดลอง: การเริ่มต้นของ Passive Income https://bit.ly/3Sdkir2

Golden Cross

Death Cross

Previous Pivot Points

Various Alerts

// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © Steversteves

indicator("Technical Candle Alerts [SS]", overlay=true, max_labels_count = 500, max_bars_back = 5000)
import Steversteves/SPTS_StatsPakLib/4 as spts 

//   ___                      
//  / __|_ _ ___ _  _ _ __ ___
// | (_ | '_/ _ \ || | '_ (_-<
//  \___|_| \___/\_,_| .__/__/
//                   |_|     

g1 = "General Settings",     g2 = "Technical Displays",      g3 = "Pivot Settings",      g4 = "RSI Settings",        g5 = "Stochastic Settings",     g6 = "MFI Settings",        g7 = "Z-Score Settings" 

//  _   _               ___                _      
// | | | |___ ___ _ _  |_ _|_ _  _ __ _  _| |_ ___
// | |_| (_-</ -_) '_|  | || ' \| '_ \ || |  _(_-<
//  \___//__/\___|_|   |___|_||_| .__/\_,_|\__/__/
//                              |_|               

// General Settings 
autolen = input.bool(true, "Use Autolength from Trend", group = g1) 
inputlen = input.int(75, "Manual Length Input", group = g1)
wait = input.int(5, "Wait Time for Signals")

// Technical Displays 
showpiv =   input.bool(true, "Show Pivots", group = g2) 
showmfi =   input.bool(true, "Show MFI", group = g2)
showrsi =   input.bool(true, "Show RSI", group = g2) 
showsto =   input.bool(true, "Show Stochastics", group = g2) 
showz =     input.bool(true, "Show Z-Score", group = g2) 
showcomb =  input.bool(true, "Show Combination Signals", group = g2 ) 
showema =   input.bool(true, "Show Golden and Death Cross", group = g2) 
// Pivots 
piv_leftbars = input.int(15, "Pivot Left Bars", group = g3) 
piv_rightbars = input.int(15, "Pivot Right Bars", group = g3)

// RSI Settings                                                 // Stochastic Settings                                              // MFI                                                  // Z-Score
rsi_src =   input.source(close, "RSI Source", group = g4),      sto_src =   input.source(close, "Stochastic Source", group = g5),   mfi_src = input.source(hlc3, "MFI Source", group = g6), z_src = input.source(close, "Z-Score Source", group = g7) 
rsi_len =   input.int(14, "RSI Length", group = g4),            sto_len =   input.int(14, "Stochastic Length", group = g5),         mfi_len = input.int(14, "MFI Length", group = g6),      z_len = input.int(14, "Z-Score Length", group = g7) 

// Autotrend 
    ta.correlation(close, time, len) 

t50 = trend_finder(50),     t100 = trend_finder(100),       t150 = trend_finder(150),       t200 = trend_finder(200),       t250 = trend_finder(250),       t300 = trend_finder(300),       t350 = trend_finder(350),  
t400 = trend_finder(400),   t450 = trend_finder(450),       t500 = trend_finder(500) 

find_trend_len = math.max(t50, t100, t150, t200, t250, t300, t350, t400, t450, t500) 
int trend_len = find_trend_len == t50 ? 50 : find_trend_len == t100 ? 100 : find_trend_len == t150 ? 150 : find_trend_len == 200 ? 200 : find_trend_len == 250 ? 250 : find_trend_len == t300 ? 300 : find_trend_len == t350 ? 350 : find_trend_len == t400 ? 400 : find_trend_len == t450 ? 450 : find_trend_len == t500 ? 500 : 100 

int len = 0 

if autolen 
    len := trend_len 
    len := inputlen 

// Condition Alerts 

mfi = ta.mfi(mfi_src, mfi_len)
sto = ta.stoch(sto_src, high, low, sto_len)
rsi = ta.rsi(rsi_src, rsi_len)
z = spts.f_zscore(z_src, z_len)
pivothigh = ta.pivothigh(piv_leftbars, piv_rightbars) 
pivotlow = ta.pivotlow(piv_leftbars, piv_rightbars) 
ema200 = ta.ema(close, 200) 
ema50 = ta.ema(close, 50) 

piv_hi_true = pivothigh > 0 
piv_lo_true = pivotlow > 0 
piv_hi_a = array.new<float>() 
piv_lo_a = array.new<float>() 
atr_hi_a = array.new<float>() 
atr_lo_a = array.new<float>() 

for i = 0 to len
    if piv_hi_true[i]
        array.push(piv_hi_a, pivothigh[i]) 
    if piv_lo_true[i] 
        array.push(piv_lo_a, pivotlow[i]) 

max_mfi = ta.highest(mfi, len)
min_mfi = ta.lowest(mfi, len) 

max_sto = ta.highest(sto, len) 
min_sto = ta.lowest(sto, len) 

max_rsi = ta.highest(rsi, len)
min_rsi = ta.lowest(rsi, len) 

max_z = ta.highest(z, len) 
min_z = ta.lowest(z, len) 

max_hi_atr = array.max(atr_hi_a) 
max_lo_atr = array.max(atr_lo_a) 

bool mfi_at_max = mfi >= max_mfi 
bool mfi_at_min = mfi <= min_mfi 

bool sto_at_max = sto >= max_sto 
bool sto_at_min = sto <= min_sto 

bool rsi_at_max = rsi >= max_rsi 
bool rsi_at_min = rsi <= min_rsi 

bool z_at_max = z >= max_z 
bool z_at_min = z<= min_z

bool deathcross = ta.crossunder(ema50, ema200) 
bool goldencross = ta.crossover(ema50, ema200) 

color red = color.red
color green = color.lime
color gold = color.rgb(235, 161, 52) 
color silver = color.silver 
color transp = color.new(color.white, 100) 

var int rsi_wait = 0 
var int mfi_wait = 0 
var int z_wait = 0 
var int sto_wait = 0 

var int mfi_sto_w = 0 
var int mfi_rsi_w = 0 
var int mfi_z_w = 0 
var int sto_rsi = 0 
var int sto_z = 0 
var int z_rsi = 0 

if deathcross and showema 
    label.new(bar_index, high, text = "Death Cross", color = transp, textcolor = silver) 
else if goldencross and showema 
    label.new(bar_index, low, text = "Golden Cross", color = transp, textcolor = gold, style = label.style_label_up)
if mfi_at_max and not sto_at_max and not rsi_at_max and not z_at_max and showmfi
    mfi_wait += 1 
    if mfi_wait >= wait 
        label.new(bar_index, high, text = "Max MFI \n" + str.tostring(math.round(mfi,2)), color = transp, textcolor = red)
        mfi_wait := 0 
else if mfi_at_max and sto_at_max and showcomb
    mfi_sto_w += 1 
    if mfi_sto_w >= wait 
        label.new(bar_index, high, text = "Max MFI & Stochastic", color = transp, textcolor = red)
        mfi_sto_w := 0 
else if mfi_at_max and rsi_at_max and showcomb
    mfi_rsi_w += 1 
    if mfi_rsi_w >= wait 
        label.new(bar_index, high, text = "Max MFI & RSI", color = transp, textcolor = red)
        mfi_rsi_w := 0 
else if mfi_at_max and z_at_max and showcomb
    mfi_z_w += 1 
    if mfi_z_w >= wait 
        label.new(bar_index, high, text = "Max MFI & Z", color = transp, textcolor = red)
        mfi_z_w := 0 
else if sto_at_max and rsi_at_max and showcomb
    sto_rsi += 1
    if sto_rsi >= wait 
        label.new(bar_index, high, text = "Max Stoch and RSI", color = transp, textcolor = red)
        sto_rsi := 0 
else if sto_at_max and z_at_max and showcomb 
    sto_z += 1 
    if sto_z >= wait 
        label.new(bar_index, high, text = "Max Stoch and Z", color = transp, textcolor = red)
        sto_z := 0 
else if z_at_max and rsi_at_max and showcomb
    z_rsi += 1 
    if z_rsi >= wait 
        label.new(bar_index, high, text = "Max Z and RSI", color = transp, textcolor = red)
        z_rsi := 0 
else if rsi_at_max and not mfi_at_max and not sto_at_max and not z_at_max and showrsi
    rsi_wait += 1 
    if rsi_wait >= wait
        label.new(bar_index, high, text = "Max RSI \n" + str.tostring(math.round(rsi,2)), color = transp, textcolor = red)
        rsi_wait := 0 
else if z_at_max and not mfi_at_max and not sto_at_max and not rsi_at_max and showz
    z_wait += 1 
    if z_wait >= wait 
        label.new(bar_index, high, text = "Max Z \n" + str.tostring(math.round(z,2)), color = transp, textcolor = red)
        z_wait := 0 
else if mfi_at_min and not sto_at_min and not rsi_at_min and not z_at_min and showmfi
    mfi_wait += 1 
    if mfi_wait >= wait
        label.new(bar_index, low, text = "Min MFI \n" + str.tostring(math.round(mfi,2)), color = transp, textcolor = green, style = label.style_label_up)
        mfi_wait := 0 
else if rsi_at_min and not sto_at_min and not mfi_at_min and not z_at_min and showrsi 
    rsi_wait += 1 
    if rsi_wait >= wait 
        label.new(bar_index, low, text = "Min RSI \n" + str.tostring(math.round(rsi,2)), color = transp, textcolor = green, style = label.style_label_up)
        rsi_wait := 0 
else if z_at_min and not sto_at_min and not mfi_at_min and not rsi_at_min and showz
    z_wait += 1 
    if z_wait >= wait 
        label.new(bar_index, low, text = "Min Z \n" + str.tostring(math.round(z,2)), color = transp, textcolor = green, style = label.style_label_up)
        z_wait := 0 
else if mfi_at_min and rsi_at_min and showcomb
    mfi_rsi_w += 1 
    if mfi_rsi_w >= wait 
        label.new(bar_index, low, text = "Min MFI and RSI", color = transp, textcolor = green, style = label.style_label_up)
        mfi_rsi_w := 0 
else if mfi_at_min and sto_at_min and showcomb
    mfi_sto_w += 1 
    if mfi_sto_w >= wait 
        label.new(bar_index, low, text = "Min MFI and Stoch", color = transp, textcolor = green, style = label.style_label_up)
        mfi_sto_w := 0 
else if mfi_at_min and z_at_min and showcomb
    mfi_z_w += 1 
    if mfi_z_w >= wait 
        label.new(bar_index, low, text = "Min MFI and Z", color = transp, textcolor = green, style = label.style_label_up)
        mfi_z_w := 0 
else if sto_at_min and rsi_at_min and showcomb
    sto_rsi += 1 
    if sto_rsi >= wait 
        label.new(bar_index, low, text = "Min Stoch & RSI", color = transp, textcolor = green, style = label.style_label_up)
        sto_rsi := 0 
else if sto_at_min and z_at_min and showcomb
    sto_z += 1 
    if sto_z >= wait 
        label.new(bar_index, low, text = "Min Stoch & Z", color = transp, textcolor = green, style = label.style_label_up)
        sto_z := 0 
else if z_at_min and rsi_at_min and showcomb
    z_rsi += 1
    if z_rsi >= wait 
        label.new(bar_index, low, text = "Min Z & RSI", color = transp, textcolor = green, style = label.style_label_up)
        z_rsi := 0 

var int piv_hi_wait = 0 
var int piv_lo_wait = 0 
bool pivhi = na 
bool pivlo = na 
if array.size(piv_hi_a) - 1 > 0 and showpiv 
    for i = 0 to array.size(piv_hi_a) - 1 
        if array.get(piv_hi_a, i) == high or array.get(piv_hi_a, i) == low or array.get(piv_hi_a, i) == close or array.get(piv_hi_a, i) == open and not sto_at_max and not rsi_at_max and not z_at_max 
            piv_hi_wait += 1
            if piv_hi_wait >= wait
                label.new(bar_index, high, text = "Previous \n Pivot High", color = transp, textcolor = red) 
                pivhi := true 
                piv_hi_wait := 0 
if array.size(piv_lo_a) - 1 > 0 and showpiv
    for i = 0 to array.size(piv_lo_a) - 1 
        if array.get(piv_lo_a, i) == high or array.get(piv_lo_a, i) == low or array.get(piv_lo_a, i) == close or array.get(piv_lo_a, i) == open and not sto_at_max and not rsi_at_max and not z_at_max
            piv_lo_wait += 1 
            if piv_lo_wait >= wait 
                label.new(bar_index, high, text = "Previous \n Pivot Low", color = transp, textcolor = green) 
                pivlo := true 
                piv_lo_wait := 0 

alertcondition(deathcross, "Deathcross", "Sell") 
alertcondition(goldencross, "Golden Cross", "Buy") 
alertcondition(mfi_at_max, "MFI at Max", "Sell") 
alertcondition(mfi_at_min, "MFI at Min", "Buy") 
alertcondition(sto_at_max, "Stochastics at Max", "Sell") 
alertcondition(sto_at_min, "Stochastics at Min", "Buy") 
alertcondition(z_at_max, "Z-Score at Max", "Sell") 
alertcondition(z_at_min, "Z-Score at Min", "Buy") 
alertcondition(rsi_at_max, "RSI at Max", "Sell") 
alertcondition(rsi_at_min, "RSI at Min", "Buy") 
alertcondition(pivhi, "At Previous Pivot High", "Sell") 
alertcondition(pivlo, "At Previous Pivot Low", "Buy") 



อีเมลของคุณจะไม่แสดงให้คนอื่นเห็น ช่องข้อมูลจำเป็นถูกทำเครื่องหมาย *