- เทคนิคของ Indicator:
- แสดงโซน Premium และ Discount ในแบบที่ปรับได้ด้วยตนเอง.
- อนุญาตให้ผู้ใช้เลือกจุดเริ่มต้นของช่วงบนกราฟ.
- แสดงระดับ 50%, 75%, 25% ของช่วง.
- เลือกสี, สไตล์, และขนาดของเส้น.
- แสดง FVG (Fair Value Gap) ทั้งในระดับ LTF (Low Time Frame) และ HTF (High Time Frame).
- บอกสัญญาณซื้อและขาย:
- ซื้อ: ในโซน Discount, พิจารณาเข้าซื้อโดยใช้โซนตรงข้ามเป็น Take Profit.
- ขาย: ในโซน Premium, พิจารณาเข้าขายโดยใช้โซนตรงข้ามเป็น Take Profit.
- ใช้งานในโปรแกรม TradingView https://www.tradingview.com/?aff_id=134641
- เปิดบัญชีทดลอง: การเริ่มต้นของ Passive Income https://bit.ly/3Sdkir2
// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © Giovanni-1-
indicator(title = 'ICT Premium/Discount' , overlay = true , max_bars_back = 500 , max_lines_count = 500 , max_boxes_count = 500 , max_labels_count = 100)
Timezone = 'America/New_York'
DOMD = timeframe.isdwm
DOM_240 = (timeframe.multiplier >= 240)
DOM240 = (timeframe.multiplier <= 240)
DOM60 = (timeframe.multiplier <= 60)
DOM40 = (timeframe.multiplier <= 40)
DOM30 = (timeframe.multiplier <= 30)
DOM15 = (timeframe.multiplier <= 15)
DOM5 = (timeframe.multiplier <= 5)
DOM1 = (timeframe.multiplier <= 1)
// Start Range
// -- Functions
backtestt(int _start) =>
backtestRange = time >= _start and time <= timestamp(year, month, dayofmonth, 23, 59) ? true : false
start_test = input.time(defval = timestamp('21 Dec 2023 04:59') , title = 'Start Date ' , inline = '0' , group = 'Start')
col_start_test = input.color(defval = color.rgb(141, 122, 122, 73) , title = '' , inline = '0' , group = 'Start')
show_range = input.bool(defval = true , title = 'Show Range ' , inline = '1' , group = 'Start')
show_right = input.bool(defval = false , title = 'Show Right-' , inline = '1' , group = 'Start')
ext_right = input.int(defval = 5 , title = 'than on the right' , maxval = 40 , inline = '1' , group = 'Start')
col_Premium = input.color(defval = color.red , title = '' , inline = '2' , group = 'Start')
col_Discoun = input.color(defval = color.green , title = 'High - Low' , inline = '2' , group = 'Start')
show_txt_HL = input.bool(defval = true , title = 'Price' , inline = '2' , group = 'Start')
style_PD = input.string(defval = line.style_solid , title = '' , options = [line.style_solid , line.style_dashed, line.style_dotted] , inline = '2' , group = 'Start')
size_ln_PD = input.int(defval = 2 , title = ' Width' , inline = '2' , group = 'Start')
show_Midlin = input(defval = true , title = 'Show Midline' , inline = '3' , group = 'Start')
col_Midline = input.color(defval = color.blue , title = '' , inline = '30' , group = 'Start')
style_Mid = input.string(defval = line.style_solid , title = '' , options = [line.style_solid , line.style_dashed, line.style_dotted] , inline = '30' , group = 'Start')
size_ln_Mid = input(defval = 1 , title = 'Width' , inline = '30' , group = 'Start')
show_txt_Mid = input.bool(defval = true , title = 'Price' , inline = '30' , group = 'Start')
show_Quarti = input(defval = false , title = 'Show 75/25 ' , inline = '4' , group = 'Start')
BG_range = input.bool(defval = false , title = 'BG' , inline = '4' , group = 'Start')
col_Quartil = input.color(defval = color.black , title = '' , inline = '41' , group = 'Start')
style_Quart = input.string(defval = line.style_dotted , title = '' , options = [line.style_solid , line.style_dashed, line.style_dotted] , inline = '41' , group = 'Start')
size_ln_Qua = input(defval = 1 , title = 'Width' , inline = '41' , group = 'Start')
show_txt_Qua = input.bool(defval = false , title = 'Price' , inline = '41' , group = 'Start')
show_OTE = input(defval = false , title = 'Show OTE ' , inline = '5' , group = 'Start')
chois_range = input.string(defval = 'Premium' , title = 'Range is' , options = ['Premium' , 'Discount'] , inline = '5' , group = 'Start')
BG_range_OTE = input.bool(defval = false , title = 'BG' , inline = '5' , group = 'Start')
col_OTE = input.color(defval = color.black , title = '' , inline = '51' , group = 'Start')
style_OTE = input.string(defval = line.style_solid , title = '' , options = [line.style_solid , line.style_dashed, line.style_dotted] , inline = '51' , group = 'Start')
size_ln_OTE = input(defval = 2 , title = 'Width' , inline = '51' , group = 'Start')
show_txt_OTE = input.bool(defval = false , title = 'Price' , inline = '51' , group = 'Start')
is_line_start = year == year(start_test) and month == month(start_test) and dayofmonth == dayofmonth(start_test) and hour == hour(start_test) and minute == minute(start_test)
var line start_line = na
if is_line_start
start_line := line.new(bar_index , bar_index , bar_index , bar_index + 1 , extend = extend.both , color = col_start_test , style = line.style_dotted)
plotshape(series = is_line_start , title = '' , style = shape.circle , location = location.bottom , color = color.rgb(120, 123, 134, 100) , text = 'Start Line' , textcolor = color.new(col_start_test , 80) , size = size.small)
start_range = backtestt(start_test)
start_day = time('D') == time('D')[1]
start_track = start_range
reset_range = start_range and not(start_range[1])
reset_day = time('D') != time('D')[1]
reset_res = reset_range
var _hh = float(na)
_hh := reset_res ? high : start_track? high > _hh ? high : nz(_hh[1]) : na
var _ll = float(na)
_ll := reset_res ? low : start_track? low < _ll ? low : nz(_ll[1]) : na
var line lineVarHighs = line(na) , var line lineVarLows = line(na)
var label Price_high = label(na) , var label Price_low = label(na)
var line lineMid = line(na) , var label Price_5 = label(na)
var line line_75 = line(na) , var line line_25 = line(na)
var label Price_75 = label(na) ,var label Price_25 = label(na)
var line line_79 = line(na) , var line line_705 = line(na) , var line line_62 = line(na)
var label Price_79 = label(na) , var label Price_705 = label(na) , var label Price_62 = label(na)
if show_range
if reset_res
if not show_right
lineVarHighs := line.new(bar_index , _hh , last_bar_index , _hh , xloc.bar_index , extend = extend.none , color = col_Premium , width = size_ln_PD , style = style_PD)
lineVarLows := line.new(bar_index , _ll , last_bar_index , _ll , xloc.bar_index , extend = extend.none , color = col_Discoun , width = size_ln_PD , style = style_PD)
lineVarHighs := line.new(last_bar_index+50 , _hh , last_bar_index , _hh , xloc.bar_index , extend = extend.none , color = col_Premium , width = size_ln_PD , style = style_PD)
lineVarLows := line.new(last_bar_index+50 , _ll , last_bar_index , _ll , xloc.bar_index , extend = extend.none , color = col_Discoun , width = size_ln_PD , style = style_PD)
if show_txt_HL
Price_high := label.new(x = last_bar_index , y = _hh , text = '' , xloc = xloc.bar_index , yloc = yloc.price , color = na , style = label.style_label_down , textcolor = col_Premium, textalign = text.align_right , tooltip = 'Premium High' )
Price_low := label.new(x = last_bar_index , y = _ll , text = '' , xloc = xloc.bar_index , yloc = yloc.price , color = na , style = label.style_label_center , textcolor = col_Discoun , textalign = text.align_right , tooltip = 'Discount Low')
if show_Midlin
midValue = (_hh + _ll) / 2
if not show_right
lineMid := line.new(bar_index[1] , midValue , bar_index , midValue , xloc.bar_index , extend = extend.none , color = col_Midline , width = size_ln_Mid , style = style_Mid)
lineMid := line.new(last_bar_index+50 , midValue , bar_index , midValue , xloc.bar_index , extend = extend.none , color = col_Midline , width = size_ln_Mid , style = style_Mid)
if show_txt_Mid
Price_5 := label.new(x = last_bar_index , y = midValue , text = '' , xloc = xloc.bar_index , yloc = yloc.price , color = na , style = label.style_label_down , textcolor = col_Midline , textalign = text.align_right , tooltip = 'Midline High' )
if show_Quarti
Value25 = _hh - 0.25 * (_hh - _ll)
Value75 = _hh - 0.75 * (_hh - _ll)
if not show_right
line_25 := line.new(bar_index[1] , Value25, bar_index , Value25 , xloc.bar_index , extend = extend.none , color = col_Quartil , width = size_ln_Qua , style = style_Quart)
line_75 := line.new(bar_index[1] , Value75, bar_index , Value75 , xloc.bar_index , extend = extend.none , color = col_Quartil , width = size_ln_Qua , style = style_Quart)
line_25 := line.new(last_bar_index+50 , Value25, bar_index , Value25 , xloc.bar_index , extend = extend.none , color = col_Quartil , width = size_ln_Qua , style = style_Quart)
line_75 := line.new(last_bar_index+50 , Value75, bar_index , Value75 , xloc.bar_index , extend = extend.none , color = col_Quartil , width = size_ln_Qua , style = style_Quart)
if show_txt_Qua
Price_75 := label.new(x = last_bar_index , y = Value75 , text = '' , xloc = xloc.bar_index , yloc = yloc.price , color = na , style = label.style_label_down , textcolor = col_Quartil , textalign = text.align_right)
Price_25 := label.new(x = last_bar_index , y = Value25 , text = '' , xloc = xloc.bar_index , yloc = yloc.price , color = na , style = label.style_label_down , textcolor = col_Quartil , textalign = text.align_right)
if BG_range
linefill.new(lineVarHighs , line_25 , color = color.new(col_Premium,90))
linefill.new(line_25 , lineMid , color = color.new(col_Premium,95))
linefill.new(lineVarLows , line_75 , color = color.new(col_Discoun,90))
linefill.new(line_75 , lineMid , color = color.new(col_Discoun,95))
if show_OTE
Value79 = chois_range == 'Premium' ? _hh - 0.79 * (_hh - _ll) : _hh - 0.21 * (_hh - _ll)
Value705 = chois_range == 'Premium' ? _hh - 0.705 * (_hh - _ll) : _hh - 0.295 * (_hh - _ll)
Value62 = chois_range == 'Premium' ? _hh - 0.62 * (_hh - _ll) : _hh - 0.38 * (_hh - _ll)
if not show_right
line_79 := line.new(bar_index[1] , Value79, bar_index , Value79 , xloc.bar_index , extend = extend.none , color = col_OTE , width = size_ln_OTE , style = style_OTE)
line_705 := line.new(bar_index[1] , Value705, bar_index , Value705 , xloc.bar_index , extend = extend.none , color = col_OTE , width = size_ln_OTE , style = style_OTE)
line_62 := line.new(bar_index[1] , Value62, bar_index , Value62 , xloc.bar_index , extend = extend.none , color = col_OTE , width = size_ln_OTE , style = style_OTE)
line_79 := line.new(last_bar_index+50 , Value79, bar_index , Value79 , xloc.bar_index , extend = extend.none , color = col_OTE , width = size_ln_OTE , style = style_OTE)
line_705 := line.new(last_bar_index+50 , Value705, bar_index , Value705 , xloc.bar_index , extend = extend.none , color = col_OTE , width = size_ln_OTE , style = style_OTE)
line_62 := line.new(last_bar_index+50 , Value62, bar_index , Value62 , xloc.bar_index , extend = extend.none , color = col_OTE , width = size_ln_OTE , style = style_OTE)
if show_txt_OTE
Price_705 := label.new(x = last_bar_index , y = Value705 , text = '' , xloc = xloc.bar_index , yloc = yloc.price , color = na , style = label.style_label_down , textcolor = col_OTE , textalign = text.align_right)
Price_79 := label.new(x = last_bar_index , y = Value79 , text = '' , xloc = xloc.bar_index , yloc = yloc.price , color = na , style = label.style_label_down , textcolor = col_OTE , textalign = text.align_right)
Price_62 := label.new(x = last_bar_index , y = Value62 , text = '' , xloc = xloc.bar_index , yloc = yloc.price , color = na , style = label.style_label_down , textcolor = col_OTE , textalign = text.align_right)
if BG_range_OTE
linefill.new(line_79 , line_62 , color = color.new(col_OTE,90))
if start_track
line.set_x2(lineVarHighs, show_right ? last_bar_index+ext_right : bar_index)
line.set_y1(lineVarHighs, _hh)
line.set_y2(lineVarHighs, _hh)
line.set_x2(lineVarLows, show_right ? last_bar_index+ext_right : bar_index)
line.set_y1(lineVarLows, _ll)
line.set_y2(lineVarLows, _ll)
line.set_x2(lineMid, show_right ? last_bar_index+ext_right : bar_index)
line.set_y1(lineMid, (_hh + _ll) / 2)
line.set_y2(lineMid, (_hh + _ll) / 2)
line.set_x2(line_25, show_right ? last_bar_index+ext_right : bar_index)
line.set_y1(line_25, _hh - 0.25 * (_hh - _ll))
line.set_y2(line_25, _hh - 0.25 * (_hh - _ll))
line.set_x2(line_75, show_right ? last_bar_index+ext_right : bar_index)
line.set_y1(line_75, _hh - 0.75 * (_hh - _ll))
line.set_y2(line_75, _hh - 0.75 * (_hh - _ll))
line.set_x2(line_79, show_right ? last_bar_index+ext_right : bar_index)
line.set_y1(line_79, chois_range == 'Discount' ? _hh - 0.79 * (_hh - _ll) : _hh - 0.21 * (_hh - _ll))
line.set_y2(line_79, chois_range == 'Discount' ? _hh - 0.79 * (_hh - _ll) : _hh - 0.21 * (_hh - _ll))
line.set_x2(line_705, show_right ? last_bar_index+ext_right : bar_index)
line.set_y1(line_705, chois_range == 'Discount' ? _hh - 0.705 * (_hh - _ll) : _hh - 0.295 * (_hh - _ll))
line.set_y2(line_705, chois_range == 'Discount' ? _hh - 0.705 * (_hh - _ll) : _hh - 0.295 * (_hh - _ll))
line.set_x2(line_62, show_right ? last_bar_index+ext_right : bar_index)
line.set_y1(line_62, chois_range == 'Discount' ? _hh - 0.62 * (_hh - _ll) : _hh - 0.38 * (_hh - _ll))
line.set_y2(line_62, chois_range == 'Discount' ? _hh - 0.62 * (_hh - _ll) : _hh - 0.38 * (_hh - _ll))
label.set_x(Price_high, show_right ? bar_index+ext_right+2 : bar_index)
label.set_y(Price_high, _hh)
label.set_text(Price_high, show_txt_HL ? str.tostring(_hh) : na)
label.set_x(Price_low, show_right ? bar_index+ext_right+2 : bar_index)
label.set_y(Price_low, _ll)
label.set_text(Price_low, show_txt_HL ? str.tostring(_ll) : na)
midValue = (_hh + _ll) / 2
label.set_x(Price_5, show_right ? bar_index+ext_right+2 : bar_index)
label.set_y(Price_5, midValue)
label.set_text(Price_5, show_txt_HL ? str.tostring(midValue) : na)
Value75 = _hh - 0.75 * (_hh - _ll)
label.set_x(Price_75, show_right ? bar_index+ext_right+2 : bar_index)
label.set_y(Price_75, Value75)
label.set_text(Price_75, show_txt_HL ? str.tostring(Value75) : na)
Value25 = _hh - 0.25 * (_hh - _ll)
label.set_x(Price_25, show_right ? bar_index+ext_right+2 : bar_index)
label.set_y(Price_25, Value25)
label.set_text(Price_25, show_txt_HL ? str.tostring(Value25) : na)
Value79 = chois_range == 'Discount' ? _hh - 0.79 * (_hh - _ll) : _hh - 0.21 * (_hh - _ll)
label.set_x(Price_79, show_right ? bar_index+ext_right+10 : bar_index)
label.set_y(Price_79, Value79)
label.set_text(Price_79, show_txt_HL ? str.tostring(Value79) : na)
Value705 = chois_range == 'Discount' ? _hh - 0.705 * (_hh - _ll) : _hh - 0.295 * (_hh - _ll)
label.set_x(Price_705, show_right ? bar_index+ext_right+10 : bar_index)
label.set_y(Price_705, Value705)
label.set_text(Price_705, show_txt_HL ? str.tostring(Value705) : na)
Value62 = chois_range == 'Discount' ? _hh - 0.62 * (_hh - _ll) : _hh - 0.38 * (_hh - _ll)
label.set_x(Price_62, show_right ? bar_index+ext_right+10 : bar_index)
label.set_y(Price_62, Value62)
label.set_text(Price_62, show_txt_HL ? str.tostring(Value62) : na)
INSIDE_RANGE = input.bool(defval = true , title = '// ------------------INSIDE RANGE----------------- //' )
// OB
show_OB = input.bool(defval = false , title = 'Show OB' , inline = '0' , group = 'OB')
col_OB_bullish = input.color(defval =color.rgb(0, 255, 0, 90) , title = '', inline = '0' , group = 'OB')
col_OB_bearish = input.color(defval =color.rgb(255, 0, 0, 90) , title = '', inline = '0' , group = 'OB')
show_BOS = input.bool(defval = false , title = 'Show BOS Lines' , inline = '0' , group = 'OB')
var bool BosCandle = false
// tracking for entries
var int lastDownIndex = 0
var float lastDown = 0
var float lastLow = 0
var int lastUpIndex = 0
var float lastUp = 0
var float lastUpLow = 0
var float lastUpOpen = 0
var float lastHigh = 0
var float lastBullBreakLow = 0
// structure
var int structureLowIndex = 0
float structureLow = 1000000
// order block drawing arrays
var longBoxes = array.new_box()
var shortBoxes = array.new_box()
var bosLines = array.new_line()
var int lastLongIndex = 0
var int lastShortIndex = 0
BosCandle := false
// functions
structureLowIndexPointer(len) =>
float minValue = ta.highest(high, 5)[1]
int minIndex = bar_index
for i = 1 to len by 1
if low[i] < minValue
minValue := low[i]
minIndex := bar_index[i]
// get the lowest point in the range
structureLow := ta.lowest(low, 5)[1]
structureLowIndex := structureLowIndexPointer(5)
// bearish break of structure
if INSIDE_RANGE and time >= start_test and ta.crossunder(low, structureLow)
if bar_index - lastUpIndex < 1000
// add bear order block
if show_OB
array.push(shortBoxes, box.new(left = lastUpIndex , top = lastHigh , bottom = lastUpLow , right = last_bar_index , bgcolor = col_OB_bearish , border_color = col_OB_bearish , text ='-OB' , text_size = size.tiny , text_color = color.black , text_halign = text.align_right , text_valign = text.align_center ))
// add bearish bos line
if show_BOS
array.push(bosLines, line.new(structureLowIndex, structureLow, bar_index, structureLow, color=color.red, style=line.style_dotted, width=1))
// show bos candle
BosCandle := true
// color mode bear
lastShortIndex := lastUpIndex
// bullish break of structure?
if INSIDE_RANGE and time >= start_test and array.size(shortBoxes) > 0
for i = array.size(shortBoxes) - 1 to 0 by 1
box = array.get(shortBoxes, i)
top = box.get_top(box)
left = box.get_left(box)
if close > top
// remove the short box
array.remove(shortBoxes, i)
// ok to draw?
if bar_index - lastDownIndex < 1000 and bar_index > lastLongIndex
// add bullish order block
if show_OB
array.push(longBoxes, box.new(left = lastDownIndex , top = lastDown , bottom = lastLow , right = last_bar_index , bgcolor = col_OB_bullish , border_color = col_OB_bullish , text ='+OB' , text_size = size.tiny , text_color = color.black , text_halign = text.align_right , text_valign = text.align_center))
// add bullish bos line
if show_BOS
array.push(bosLines, line.new(left, top, bar_index, top, color=color.green, style=line.style_dotted, width=1))
// show bos candle
BosCandle := true
// record last bull bar index to prevent duplication
lastLongIndex := bar_index
lastBullBreakLow := low
// remove LL if close below
if INSIDE_RANGE and time >= start_test and array.size(longBoxes) > 0
for i = array.size(longBoxes) - 1 to 0 by 1
lbox = array.get(longBoxes, i)
bottom = box.get_bottom(lbox)
top = box.get_top(lbox)
if close < bottom
array.remove(longBoxes, i)
// record last up and down candles
if INSIDE_RANGE and time >= start_test and close < open
lastDown := high
lastDownIndex := bar_index
lastLow := low
if INSIDE_RANGE and time >= start_test and close > open
lastUp := close
lastUpIndex := bar_index
lastUpOpen := open
lastUpLow := low
lastHigh := high
// update last high/low for more accurate order block placements
lastHigh := high > lastHigh ? high : lastHigh
lastLow := low < lastLow ? low : lastLow
showVImbalance = input.bool(defval = false , title = 'VIB only inside Range' , inline = '00' , group = 'VIB/GAP')
col_border_VIB = input.color(defval = color.new(#fbc02d, 100) , title = 'Border' , inline = '01' , group = 'VIB/GAP')
col_BG_VIB = input.color(defval = color.new(#fbc02d, 85) , title = 'BG', inline = '01' , group = 'VIB/GAP')
numberOfZonesInput = input.int(defval = 3 , title = 'Max Number of VIB', minval = 1 , maxval = 500 , inline = '01' , group = 'VIB/GAP')
show_GAP = input.bool(defval = true , title = 'GAP outside and inside Range' , inline = '0' , group = 'VIB/GAP')
col_border_GAP = input.color(defval = color.new(color.red, 100) , title = 'Border' , inline = '1' , group = 'VIB/GAP')
col_BG_GAP = input.color(defval = color.new(color.red, 80) , title = 'BG', inline = '1' , group = 'VIB/GAP')
no_fill = input.bool(defval = true , title = 'Extend No Fill' , inline = '1' , group = 'VIB/GAP')
limit_search = input.bool(defval = false , title = 'Max bars backs' , inline = 'Length Limit', inline = '1' , group = 'VIB/GAP')
limit_search_bars = input.int(defval = 300 , title = '' , inline = '' , minval = 1 , inline = '1' , group = 'VIB/GAP')
limit_GAP_box = input.int(defval = 150 , title = 'Max Number of Gaps', minval = 1, maxval = 500 , inline = '1' , group = 'VIB/GAP')
minimalDeviationInput = 00.0 / 100 * ta.sma(high-low, 14)
// ———————————————————— Volume Imbalances ————————————————————
var bool varImbBull = na
if INSIDE_RANGE and time >= start_test and (open[0] > open[1])
if (close[0] > close[1])
if (open[0] > close[1])
if (low[0] <= close[1])
if (close[0] > open[0])
varImbBull := true
varImbBull := false
varImbBull := false
varImbBull := false
varImbBull := false
varImbBull := false
var bool varImbBear = na
if INSIDE_RANGE and time >= start_test and (open[0] < open[1])
if (close[0] < close[1])
if (open[0] < close[1])
if (close[1] <= high[0])
if (close[0] < open[0])
varImbBear := true
varImbBear := false
varImbBear := false
varImbBear := false
varImbBear := false
varImbBear := false
_extend = timeframe.isdwm ? 200* 3600000 : timeframe.period == '240' ? 50* 3600000 : timeframe.period == '60' ? 30* 3600000 : timeframe.multiplier <= 15 ? 10 * 3600000 : 30 * 3600000
var box[] ImbBoxes = array.new_box()
var bool[] ImbType = array.new_bool()
if varImbBear and showVImbalance
array.push(ImbBoxes, box.new(left = time[1] , top = close[1] , right = time + _extend , bottom = open[0] , extend = extend.none , xloc = xloc.bar_time, border_color = col_border_VIB , bgcolor = col_BG_VIB))
array.push(ImbType, true)
if varImbBull and showVImbalance
array.push(ImbBoxes, box.new(left = time[1] , top = close[1] , right = time + _extend , bottom = open[0] , extend = extend.none , xloc = xloc.bar_time, border_color = col_border_VIB , bgcolor = col_BG_VIB))
array.push(ImbType, false)
// limit number of boxes allowed
if array.size(ImbBoxes) > numberOfZonesInput
// ———————————————————— Gap Imbalances ————————————————————
type Gap
bool isActive
bool isBull
array<box> boxes
//@function Deletes all of the boxes that were drawn to represent the gap.
method delete(Gap this) =>
for _box in this.boxes
//@function Closes the gap partially, stopping the previous box and creating a new, smaller box to continue the gap instead.
method partialClose(Gap this) =>
activeBox = this.boxes.last()
top = this.isBull ? activeBox.get_top() : low
bottom = this.isBull ? high : activeBox.get_bottom()
this.boxes.push(box.new(bar_index , top , bar_index , bottom , border_color = col_border_GAP , bgcolor = col_BG_GAP))
//@function Closes the gap fully, stopping the box from being extended.
method fullClose(Gap this) =>
activeBox = this.boxes.last()
this.isActive := false
if no_fill
method checkForClose(Gap this) =>
if this.isActive
activeBox = this.boxes.last()
top = activeBox.get_top()
bot = activeBox.get_bottom()
isBull = this.isBull
if (high > bot and isBull) or (low < top and not isBull)
if no_fill
bool forceCloseBoxExceededLengthLimit = (limit_search and bar_index - activeBox.get_left() >= limit_search_bars)
if ((high > top and isBull) or (low < bot and not isBull)) or forceCloseBoxExceededLengthLimit
var allGaps = array.new<Gap>()
// Detect gaps.
isGapDown = high < low[1] and low[1] - high >= minimalDeviationInput
isGapUp = low > high[1] and low - high[1] >= minimalDeviationInput
isGap = isGapDown or isGapUp
boxBorderColor = col_border_GAP
boxBgcolor = col_BG_GAP
registerNewGap(bool isGapDown) =>
if show_GAP
newBox = box.new(bar_index - 1 , (isGapDown ? low[1] : low) , bar_index , (isGapDown ? high : high[1]) , border_color = boxBorderColor , bgcolor = boxBgcolor , extend = extend.right)
allGaps.push(Gap.new(true, isGapDown, array.from(newBox)))
if allGaps.size() > limit_GAP_box
// Detect covering of gaps.
for gap in allGaps
// Add a box for each new gap, removing the oldest one if needed.
if isGap
// ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
// FVG
type Settings
bool CE_show
string CE_style
color CE_color
bool fra_show
string fra_style
color fra_color
bool Border_show
bool mitigated_show
string mitigated_type
color mitigated_color
bool mitigated_CE_show
color mitigated_CE_color
string mitigated_CE_style
bool mitigated_fra_show
color mitigated_fra_color
string mitigated_fra_style
bool ltf_hide
bool label_show
color label_color
color label_bgcolor
string label_size
int padding
int buffer
type Imbalance_Settings
bool show
string htf
color color_bull
color color_bear
int max_count
type Imbalance
int open_time
int close_time
float open
float middle
float mid_25
float mid_75
float close_up_75
float close_dn_75
float close
bool mitigated
int mitigated_time
line line_middle
line line_25
line line_75
label lbl
box box
type ImbalanceStructure
Imbalance[] imbalance
Imbalance_Settings settings
type Helper
string name = 'Helper'
//+--- Settings ---+//
Settings settings = Settings.new()
Imbalance_Settings HTF_1_Settings = Imbalance_Settings.new()
Imbalance_Settings HTF_2_Settings = Imbalance_Settings.new()
Imbalance_Settings HTF_3_Settings = Imbalance_Settings.new()
Imbalance_Settings HTF_4_Settings = Imbalance_Settings.new()
Imbalance_Settings HTF_5_Settings = Imbalance_Settings.new()
Imbalance_Settings HTF_6_Settings = Imbalance_Settings.new()
string tooltip1 = 'HTF FVG Settings:\n\tShow/Hide timeframe\n\tTimeframe to display\n\tBullish FVG Color\n\tBearish FVG Color\n\tMaximum number of FVGs to display'
string tooltip2 = 'Mitigated FVG Settings:\n\tShow/Hide mitigated (Applies to all).\n\tBullish FVG Color\n\tBearish FVG Color\n\tWhen to mark it as mitigated (Based on HTF timeframe, not current timeframe)'
settings.ltf_hide := input.bool(defval = false , title = 'Hide Lower Timeframes' , inline = '0' , group = 'FVG INSIDE')
settings.Border_show := input.bool(defval = false , title = 'Show Border' , inline = '0' , group = 'FVG INSIDE')
HTF_1_Settings.show := input.bool(defval = true , title = '' , inline = 'htf1', group = 'FVG INSIDE')
htf_1 = input.timeframe(defval = '' , title = '', inline='htf1' , group = 'FVG INSIDE')
HTF_1_Settings.htf := htf_1
HTF_1_Settings.color_bull := input.color(defval = color.new(color.white , 80) , title = '', inline = 'htf1' , group = 'FVG INSIDE')
HTF_1_Settings.color_bear := input.color(defval = color.new(color.white , 80) , title = '', inline = 'htf1' , group = 'FVG INSIDE')
HTF_1_Settings.max_count := input.int(defval = 5 , title = '' , inline = 'htf1' , group = 'FVG INSIDE' , tooltip = tooltip1)
settings.CE_show := input.bool(defval = true , title = 'Show C.E.' , inline='3' , group = 'FVG INSIDE')
settings.CE_color := input.color(defval = color.new(color.white , 0) , title = '' , inline = '3' , group='FVG INSIDE')
settings.CE_style := input.string(defval = '----', title = '', options = ['⎯⎯⎯', '----', '····'] , inline='3' , group = 'FVG INSIDE')
settings.fra_show := input.bool(defval = true , title = 'Show 75-25%' , inline = '4' , group = 'FVG INSIDE')
settings.fra_color := input.color(defval = color.new(color.black,60) , title = '' , inline = '4' , group = 'FVG INSIDE')
settings.fra_style := input.string(defval = '····' , title = '' , options = ['⎯⎯⎯', '----', '····'] , inline = '4' , group = 'FVG INSIDE')
settings.label_show := input.bool(defval = true , title = 'Show Label' , inline = '00' , group = 'FVG INSIDE')
settings.label_color := input.color(defval = color.new(color.black, 10) , title = '' , inline = '00' , group = 'FVG INSIDE')
settings.label_bgcolor := input.color(defval = color.new(color.white, 100) , title = '' , inline = '00' , group = 'FVG INSIDE')
settings.label_size := input.string(defval = size.large , title = '' , options = [size.tiny , size.small , size.normal , size.large , size.huge] , inline = '00' , group = 'FVG INSIDE')
settings.padding := input.int(defval = 0 , title = 'Distance from current candle' , minval = 0 , inline = '01' , group = 'FVG INSIDE')
settings.buffer := input.int(defval = 1 , title = 'Spacing between timeframes' , minval = 0 , inline = '02' , group = 'FVG INSIDE')
settings.mitigated_show := input.bool(defval = true , title = 'Show Inversion FVG' , inline = '0', group = 'Inversion')
settings.mitigated_color := input.color(defval = color.new(color.gray , 90) , title = '' , inline = '0' , group = 'Inversion')
settings.mitigated_CE_show := input.bool(defval = true , title = 'C.E.' , inline = '1' , group = 'Inversion')
settings.mitigated_CE_color := input.color(defval = color.new(color.black,0) , title = '' , inline = '1' , group = 'Inversion')
settings.mitigated_CE_style := input.string(defval = '⎯⎯⎯', title = '', options = ['⎯⎯⎯', '----', '····'] , inline = '1' , group = 'Inversion')
settings.mitigated_fra_show := input.bool(defval = false , title = '75-25%' , inline = '2' , group = 'Inversion')
settings.mitigated_fra_color := input.color(defval = color.new(color.black,60) , title = '' , inline = '2' , group = 'Inversion')
settings.mitigated_fra_style := input.string(defval = '····' , title = '' , options = ['⎯⎯⎯', '----', '····'] , inline = '2' , group = 'Inversion')
settings.mitigated_type := 'Body filled'
OUTSIDE_RANGE = input.bool(defval = true , title = '// ------------------OUTSIDE RANGE----------------- //' )
HTF_2_Settings.show := input.bool(defval = false , title = '', inline = 'htf2' , group = 'FVG OUTSIDE')
htf_2 = input.timeframe(defval = '15' , title = '' , inline = 'htf2' , group = 'FVG OUTSIDE')
HTF_2_Settings.htf := htf_2
HTF_2_Settings.color_bull := input.color(defval = color.new(#00332a, 86) , title = '', inline='htf2' , group = 'FVG OUTSIDE')
HTF_2_Settings.color_bear := input.color(defval = color.new(#00332a, 86) , title = '', inline='htf2' , group = 'FVG OUTSIDE')
HTF_2_Settings.max_count := input.int(defval = 10 , title = '', inline = 'htf2' , group = 'FVG OUTSIDE' , tooltip = tooltip1)
HTF_3_Settings.show := input.bool(defval = false , title = '', inline = 'htf3' , group = 'FVG OUTSIDE')
htf_3 = input.timeframe(defval = '60' , title = '' , inline = 'htf3' , group = 'FVG OUTSIDE')
HTF_3_Settings.htf := htf_3
HTF_3_Settings.color_bull := input.color(defval = color.new(#00332a, 86) , title = '', inline='htf3' , group = 'FVG OUTSIDE')
HTF_3_Settings.color_bear := input.color(defval = color.new(#00332a, 86) , title = '', inline='htf3' , group = 'FVG OUTSIDE')
HTF_3_Settings.max_count := input.int(defval = 10 , title = '', inline = 'htf3' , group = 'FVG OUTSIDE' , tooltip = tooltip1)
HTF_4_Settings.show := input.bool(defval = false , title = '', inline = 'htf4' , group = 'FVG OUTSIDE')
htf_4 = input.timeframe(defval = '240' , title = '' , inline = 'htf4' , group = 'FVG OUTSIDE')
HTF_4_Settings.htf := htf_4
HTF_4_Settings.color_bull := input.color(defval = color.new(#00332a, 86) , title = '', inline='htf4' , group = 'FVG OUTSIDE')
HTF_4_Settings.color_bear := input.color(defval = color.new(#00332a, 86) , title = '', inline='htf4' , group = 'FVG OUTSIDE')
HTF_4_Settings.max_count := input.int(defval = 5 , title = '', inline = 'htf4' , group = 'FVG OUTSIDE' , tooltip = tooltip1)
//+--- Variables ---+//
color color_transparent = #ffffff00
Helper helper = Helper.new()
var ImbalanceStructure FVG_1 = ImbalanceStructure.new()
var ImbalanceStructure FVG_2 = ImbalanceStructure.new()
var ImbalanceStructure FVG_3 = ImbalanceStructure.new()
var ImbalanceStructure FVG_4 = ImbalanceStructure.new()
var Imbalance[] FVGs_1 = array.new<Imbalance>()
var Imbalance[] FVGs_2 = array.new<Imbalance>()
var Imbalance[] FVGs_3 = array.new<Imbalance>()
var Imbalance[] FVGs_4 = array.new<Imbalance>()
FVG_1.imbalance := FVGs_1
FVG_1.settings := HTF_1_Settings
FVG_2.imbalance := FVGs_2
FVG_2.settings := HTF_2_Settings
FVG_3.imbalance := FVGs_3
FVG_3.settings := HTF_3_Settings
FVG_4.imbalance := FVGs_4
FVG_4.settings := HTF_4_Settings
//Used internally for padding
var int TF_1 = 0
var int TF_2 = 0
var int TF_3 = 0
var int TF_4 = 0
//+--- Methods ---+//
method LineStyle(Helper helper, string style) =>
helper.name := style
out = switch style
'----' => line.style_dashed
'····' => line.style_dotted
=> line.style_solid
method Gethtftext(Helper helper, string htf) =>
helper.name := htf
formatted = htf
seconds = timeframe.in_seconds(htf)
if seconds < 60
formatted := str.tostring(seconds) + 's'
else if (seconds / 60) < 60
formatted := str.tostring((seconds/60)) + 'm'
else if (seconds/60/60) < 24
formatted := str.tostring((seconds/60/60)) + 'H'
method Validtimeframe(Helper helper, tf) =>
helper.name := tf
n1 = timeframe.in_seconds()
n2 = timeframe.in_seconds(tf)
n1 <= n2
//+--- Imbalances Methods ---+//
// AddZone is used to display and manage imbalance related boxes
method AddZone(ImbalanceStructure IS, Imbalance imb) =>
if IS.settings.show
int buffer = time+((time-time[1])*(settings.padding+1+(settings.buffer)))
isBeforeOrAtTestStart = time <= start_test
isAfterOrAtTestStart = time >= start_test
if na(imb.box)
imb.box := box.new(imb.open_time, imb.open, buffer, imb.close, settings.Border_show ? imb.open < imb.close ? color.new(IS.settings.color_bull, color.t(IS.settings.color_bull)/ 3) : color.new(IS.settings.color_bear, color.t(IS.settings.color_bear)/ 3) : color_transparent, settings.Border_show ? 1 : 0, bgcolor = imb.open < imb.close ? IS.settings.color_bull : IS.settings.color_bear, xloc=xloc.bar_time)
if settings.label_show
imb.lbl := label.new(buffer, imb.middle, text=helper.Gethtftext(IS.settings.htf), xloc=xloc.bar_time, textcolor=settings.label_color, style=label.style_label_left, color=settings.label_bgcolor, size = settings.label_size)
if settings.CE_show
imb.line_middle := line.new(imb.open_time, imb.middle, buffer, imb.middle, xloc=xloc.bar_time, style=helper.LineStyle(settings.CE_style), color=settings.CE_color)
if settings.fra_show
imb.line_25 := line.new(imb.open_time, imb.mid_25, buffer, imb.mid_25, xloc=xloc.bar_time, style=helper.LineStyle(settings.fra_style), color=settings.fra_color)
imb.line_75 := line.new(imb.open_time, imb.mid_75, buffer, imb.mid_75, xloc=xloc.bar_time, style=helper.LineStyle(settings.fra_style), color=settings.fra_color)
box.set_right(imb.box, imb.mitigated ? imb.mitigated_time : buffer)
box.set_bgcolor(imb.box, imb.open < imb.close ? imb.mitigated ? settings.mitigated_color : IS.settings.color_bull : imb.mitigated ? settings.mitigated_color : IS.settings.color_bear)
box.set_border_color(imb.box, settings.Border_show ? imb.open < imb.close ? color.new(settings.mitigated_color, color.t(settings.mitigated_color)/ 3) : color.new(settings.mitigated_color, color.t(settings.mitigated_color)/ 3) : color_transparent)
if settings.CE_show and isAfterOrAtTestStart
line.set_color(imb.line_middle , color.new(settings.mitigated_color , 100))
if settings.mitigated_CE_show
line.set_x2(imb.line_middle, imb.mitigated ? imb.mitigated_time : buffer)
line.set_color(imb.line_middle , settings.mitigated_CE_color)
line.set_style(imb.line_middle , helper.LineStyle(settings.mitigated_CE_style))
if settings.fra_show and isAfterOrAtTestStart
line.set_color(imb.line_75 , color.new(settings.mitigated_color , 100))
line.set_color(imb.line_25 , color.new(settings.mitigated_color , 100))
if settings.mitigated_fra_show
line.set_x2(imb.line_25, imb.mitigated ? imb.mitigated_time : buffer)
line.set_x2(imb.line_75, imb.mitigated ? imb.mitigated_time : buffer)
line.set_color(imb.line_25 , settings.mitigated_fra_color)
line.set_color(imb.line_75 , settings.mitigated_fra_color)
if imb.mitigated and INSIDE_RANGE
if isAfterOrAtTestStart and not settings.mitigated_show
else if isBeforeOrAtTestStart and settings.mitigated_show
box.set_bgcolor(imb.box, color.new(settings.mitigated_color , 100))
box.set_border_color(imb.box, color.new(settings.mitigated_color , 100))
// AddImbalance adds a newly discovered imbalance. this applies for both FVG and Volume Imbalance
method AddImbalance(ImbalanceStructure IS, float o, float c, int o_time) =>
Imbalance imb = Imbalance.new()
imb.open_time := o_time
imb.open := o
imb.middle := (o+c)/2
imb.mid_25 := c+(o-c)*0.25
imb.mid_75 := c+(o-c)*0.75
imb.close := c
if INSIDE_RANGE and time >= start_test and IS.imbalance.size() > IS.settings.max_count
temp = IS.imbalance.pop()
method AddImbalance_O(ImbalanceStructure IS, float o, float c, int o_time) =>
Imbalance imb = Imbalance.new()
imb.open_time := o_time
imb.open := o
imb.middle := (o+c)/2
imb.mid_25 := c+(o-c)*0.25
imb.mid_75 := c+(o-c)*0.75
imb.close := c
if OUTSIDE_RANGE and time <= start_test and IS.imbalance.size() > IS.settings.max_count
temp = IS.imbalance.pop()
// CheckMitigated checks if the imbalance has been mitigated based on the settings
method CheckMitigated(ImbalanceStructure IS, o, h, l, c) =>
if IS.imbalance.size() > 0
for i = IS.imbalance.size() - 1 to 0
imb = IS.imbalance.get(i)
if not imb.mitigated
switch settings.mitigated_type
'Body filled' =>
imb.mitigated := imb.open < imb.close ? math.min(o, c) <= imb.open : math.max(o, c) >= imb.open
if imb.mitigated
if not settings.mitigated_show
if IS.settings.max_count
imb.mitigated_time := time
method CheckMitigated_O(ImbalanceStructure IS, o, h, l, c) =>
if IS.imbalance.size() > 0
for i = IS.imbalance.size() - 1 to 0
imb = IS.imbalance.get(i)
if not imb.mitigated
switch settings.mitigated_type
'Body filled' =>
imb.mitigated := imb.open < imb.close ? math.min(o, c) <= imb.open : math.max(o, c) >= imb.open
if imb.mitigated
isBeforeOrAtTestStart = time <= start_test
if not settings.mitigated_show and isBeforeOrAtTestStart
if IS.settings.max_count
method AdjustMargins(ImbalanceStructure IS, int step) =>
if INSIDE_RANGE and IS.imbalance.size() > 0
int buffer = time+((time-time[1])*(settings.padding+1+(settings.buffer*(step-1))))
for i = IS.imbalance.size() - 1 to 0
imb = IS.imbalance.get(i)
box.set_right(imb.box, buffer)
label.set_x(imb.lbl, buffer)
if settings.CE_show
line.set_x2(imb.line_middle, buffer)
if settings.fra_show
line.set_x2(imb.line_25, buffer)
line.set_x2(imb.line_75, buffer)
// FindImbalance looks for imbalances and, if found, adds it to the list
method FindImbalance(ImbalanceStructure IS, o, h, l, c, t, o1, h1, l1, c1, t1, o2, h2, l2, c2, t2) =>
if INSIDE_RANGE and time >= start_test and IS.settings.show and (h < l2 or l > h2)
o = h < l2 ? l2 : h2
c = h < l2 ? h : l
IS.AddImbalance(o, c, t2)
method Process(ImbalanceStructure IS, float o, float h, float l, float c, int t, float o1, float h1, float l1, float c1, int t1, float o2, float h2, float l2, float c2, int t2, bool confirmed) =>
var int visible = 0
if INSIDE_RANGE and time >= start_test and IS.settings.show and confirmed
if not settings.ltf_hide or (settings.ltf_hide and helper.Validtimeframe(IS.settings.htf))
if ta.change(time(IS.settings.htf)) and IS.settings.show
IS.FindImbalance(o, h, l, c, t, o1, h1, l1, c1, t1, o2, h2, l2, c2, t2)
visible := 1
IS.CheckMitigated(o, h, l, c)
method FindImbalance_O(ImbalanceStructure IS, o, h, l, c, t, o1, h1, l1, c1, t1, o2, h2, l2, c2, t2) =>
if OUTSIDE_RANGE and time <= start_test and IS.settings.show and (h < l2 or l > h2)
o = h < l2 ? l2 : h2
c = h < l2 ? h : l
IS.AddImbalance_O(o, c, t2)
method Process_O(ImbalanceStructure IS, float o, float h, float l, float c, int t, float o1, float h1, float l1, float c1, int t1, float o2, float h2, float l2, float c2, int t2, bool confirmed) =>
var int visible = 0
if OUTSIDE_RANGE and IS.settings.show and confirmed
if not settings.ltf_hide or (settings.ltf_hide and helper.Validtimeframe(IS.settings.htf))
if ta.change(time(IS.settings.htf)) and IS.settings.show
IS.FindImbalance_O(o, h, l, c, t, o1, h1, l1, c1, t1, o2, h2, l2, c2, t2)
visible := 1
IS.CheckMitigated_O(o, h, l, c)
//+--- Main call to start the process ---+//
[o_1, h_1, l_1, c_1, t_1, confirmed] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, htf_1, [open, high, low, close, time, barstate.isconfirmed])
[o1_1, h1_1, l1_1, c1_1, t1_1] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, htf_1, [open[1], high[1], low[1], close[1], time[1]])
[o2_1, h2_1, l2_1, c2_1, t2_1] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, htf_1, [open[2], high[2], low[2], close[2], time[2]])
TF_1 := FVG_1.Process(o_1, h_1, l_1, c_1, t_1, o1_1, h1_1, l1_1, c1_1, t1_1, o2_1, h2_1, l2_1, c2_1, t2_1, confirmed)
if barstate.isconfirmed and INSIDE_RANGE and time >= start_test
[o_2, h_2, l_2, c_2, t_2, confirmed_2] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, htf_2, [open, high, low, close, time, barstate.isconfirmed])
[o1_2, h1_2, l1_2, c1_2, t1_2] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, htf_2, [open[1], high[1], low[1], close[1], time[1]])
[o2_2, h2_2, l2_2, c2_2, t2_2] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, htf_2, [open[2], high[2], low[2], close[2], time[2]])
TF_2 := TF_1 + FVG_2.Process_O(o_2, h_2, l_2, c_2, t_2, o1_2, h1_2, l1_2, c1_2, t1_2, o2_2, h2_2, l2_2, c2_2, t2_2, confirmed_2)
if barstate.isconfirmed and OUTSIDE_RANGE
[o_3, h_3, l_3, c_3, t_3, confirmed_3] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, htf_3, [open, high, low, close, time, barstate.isconfirmed])
[o1_3, h1_3, l1_3, c1_3, t1_3] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, htf_3, [open[1], high[1], low[1], close[1], time[1]])
[o3_3, h3_3, l3_3, c3_3, t3_3] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, htf_3, [open[2], high[2], low[2], close[2], time[2]])
TF_3 := TF_1 + FVG_3.Process_O(o_3, h_3, l_3, c_3, t_3, o1_3, h1_3, l1_3, c1_3, t1_3, o3_3, h3_3, l3_3, c3_3, t3_3, confirmed_3)
if barstate.isconfirmed and OUTSIDE_RANGE
[o_4, h_4, l_4, c_4, t_4, confirmed_4] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, htf_4, [open, high, low, close, time, barstate.isconfirmed])
[o1_4, h1_4, l1_4, c1_4, t1_4] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, htf_4, [open[1], high[1], low[1], close[1], time[1]])
[o4_4, h4_4, l4_4, c4_4, t4_4] = request.security(syminfo.tickerid, htf_4, [open[2], high[2], low[2], close[2], time[2]])
TF_4 := TF_1 + FVG_4.Process_O(o_4, h_4, l_4, c_4, t_4, o1_4, h1_4, l1_4, c1_4, t1_4, o4_4, h4_4, l4_4, c4_4, t4_4, confirmed_4)
if barstate.isconfirmed and OUTSIDE_RANGE
// High Low
show_HL = input.bool(defval = true , title = 'High / Low only outside range' , inline = 'HL', group = 'Horizontal Lines')
Sess_D = '0001-2400'
lineColor_HL = input.color(defval = #fff9c4 , title = '' , inline = 'HL', group = 'Horizontal Lines')
lineStyle_HL = input.string(title = 'Style', defval = line.style_solid, options=[line.style_dotted, line.style_dashed, line.style_solid], inline = 'HL', group = 'Horizontal Lines')
iExtend = input.bool(defval = true , title = 'Extend Lines', group = 'Horizontal Lines')
iMXLineCnt = input.int(defval = 100 , title = 'max Line Count', group = 'Horizontal Lines')
iEBLineCnt = input.int(defval = 0 , title = 'Extend Broken Line Count', group = 'Horizontal Lines')
var max_array_size = iMXLineCnt
var sess_line_H_c_array_ = array.new_line()
var sess_line_L_c_array_ = array.new_line()
var sessionLineHArray_c = array.new_bool()
var sessionLineLArray_c = array.new_bool()
InSession(sessionTime) =>
not na(time(timeframe.period , sessionTime , Timezone))
add_to_Line(pointer, pointer_c, aLine) =>
array.unshift(pointer, aLine)
array.unshift(pointer_c, false)
if array.size(pointer) > max_array_size
drawing_HorizonalLines(aSessionTime, aTimezone) =>
// Create variables
var sessionHighPrice = 0.0
var sessionLowPrice = 0.0
var line sessionLineH = na
var line sessionLineL = na
// See if the session is currently active and just started
inSession = InSession(aSessionTime) and timeframe.isintraday
sessionStart = inSession and not inSession[1]
// When a new session starts, set the session high and low to the data
// of the bar in the session.
if sessionStart
sessionHighPrice := high
sessionLowPrice := low
// Else, during the session, track the highest high and lowest low
else if inSession
sessionHighPrice := math.max(sessionHighPrice, high)
sessionLowPrice := math.min(sessionLowPrice, low)
// When a session begins, make a new box for that session
if sessionStart
sessionLineH := line.new(bar_index,na,na,na,color = color.rgb(0,0,255,100))
sessionLineL := line.new(bar_index,na,na,na,color = color.rgb(0,0,255,100))
add_to_Line(sess_line_H_c_array_, sessionLineHArray_c, sessionLineH)
add_to_Line(sess_line_L_c_array_, sessionLineLArray_c, sessionLineL)
// During the session, update that session's existing box
if inSession
line.set_y1(sessionLineH, sessionHighPrice)
line.set_y2(sessionLineH, sessionHighPrice)
line.set_y1(sessionLineL, sessionLowPrice)
line.set_y2(sessionLineL, sessionLowPrice)
line.set_x2(sessionLineH, bar_index + 1)
line.set_x2(sessionLineL, bar_index + 1)
if iExtend
line.set_extend(sessionLineH , extend.right)
line.set_extend(sessionLineL , extend.right)
line.set_x2(sessionLineH , last_bar_index)
line.set_x2(sessionLineL , last_bar_index)
// Drawing Vertical Lines
if OUTSIDE_RANGE and time <= start_test and DOM60
if show_HL
drawing_HorizonalLines(Sess_D , Timezone)
// Checking Cross the Vertical Lines
if array.size(sess_line_H_c_array_) > 1
for i = 1 to array.size(sess_line_H_c_array_)-1
if line.get_y2(array.get(sess_line_H_c_array_ , i)) <= high
line.set_color(array.get(sess_line_H_c_array_ , i) , color.rgb(0, 187, 212, 100))
if iEBLineCnt <= i
line.set_extend(array.get(sess_line_H_c_array_ , i) , extend.none)
array.set(sessionLineHArray_c , i , true)
if not array.get(sessionLineHArray_c , i)
line.set_color(array.get(sess_line_H_c_array_ , i) , lineColor_HL)
line.set_style(array.get(sess_line_H_c_array_ , i) , lineStyle_HL)
if array.size(sess_line_L_c_array_) > 1
for i = 1 to array.size(sess_line_L_c_array_)-1
if line.get_y2(array.get(sess_line_L_c_array_ , i)) >= low
line.set_color(array.get(sess_line_L_c_array_ , i) , color.rgb(0, 187, 212, 100))
if iEBLineCnt <= i
line.set_extend(array.get(sess_line_L_c_array_ , i) , extend.none)
array.set(sessionLineLArray_c , i , true)
if not array.get(sessionLineLArray_c , i)
line.set_color(array.get(sess_line_L_c_array_ , i) , lineColor_HL)
line.set_style(array.get(sess_line_L_c_array_ , i) , lineStyle_HL)
// ]